

I Write About Travel Adventure Destinations For Animal Lovers


I am Laurian, an avid traveler looking for the next adventure to take. I plan to share my experiences with you on this website of mine. I hope that you take inspiration from my adventures, and set off on one of your own.

I started traveling on my first international trip when I was 18 with my family, when the travel bug bit and I couldn't get enough.

Then when I was 19 I set off on my own traveling all around the States and Europe while I worked to fund my next trip. First off working in New York as an au pair then to London and working off and on in a London pub, and then later on admin work in a book company. All in all 5 years living in London.

When I was 25 my cousin Heather and I did a round-the-world backpacking trip which took over 5 months. We left London to Boston, up to Toronto and across Canada to Vancouver. Down to Seattle then New Zealand.

After driving all around both islands we went to Australia. Then I headed off on my own around Asia before going back to London.

After that I came home and tried to settle back into a "normal" life.

I got married to Colin, moved to the farm, and had two sons.

We did lots of local trips while the boys were growing up and then a few international trips later on. We took the boys all around Italy in a motorhome visiting family they had never met before. We also took them on a cruise around the Mediterranean and a driving trip around Europe. 

Our last international trip was a ski trip in France.

Now the boys are grown up, finished studying, and have lives of their own. It is our time to travel on our own now.

We live on a very remote farm which is beautiful but I want to spend a decent amount of time off travelling now.

Ideally, I would love to spend a fair bit of the year living the laptop lifestyle, working remotely while exploring new corners of the globe.

I have visited over 40 countries but there are so many more to see. My bucket list is very long still, so while we are young enough, we are in our mid 50's now, we wish to keep exploring.

I do not want to have any regrets later on in life and travel is such a wonderful thing to do.

My biggest concern is leaving our 3 cats for a long period. I have always been animal crazy and the most amazing trips I've had have involved animals. I also want to inspire you to have an animal encounter while you travel.

I understand how daunting it is to plan that trip to far-flung lands but imagine the thrill of seeing a new country, meeting new people, languages, and experiencing new food. Or connecting on a deep soul level with animals, in their natural habitat, it is such an adventure.

So I'm pushing you to take the plunge - see the world and grow.


Have a look at this article about Cape Town and the penguins.

Or this article about Valhalla Game Farm where I spend a lot of my life.

Ming - my three legged cat
Pippin - our adoptive one eyed cat
New Calf